The Association of Wedding Gown Specialists, who specialize in wedding gown cleaning and preservation, meet each year in a different city where they tour a participating member’s plant, engage in round-table discussions, and learn from industry experts. Members from Village East Cleaners in Henderson, Nevada, Edwin Los and Rachel Hahnfeld will host the meeting from March 4-7, 2010.
“Last year’s meeting was full of usable information and I am looking forward to this year’s meeting,” says Kyle Matthews of Janet Davis Cleaners. “It is extremely important to stay on top of the latest trends in the bridal world and this is the place to do it.”
Featured industry speakers for the event include Jane Heflin, director of the WeddingChannel Couture Show, Ashley King Carter of, Chris Jones, author of several bridal marketing books, and Sonny Ganguly, chief marketing officer of
During the plant tour, Dave Matthews and Kyle Matthews from Janet Davis Cleaners in Berkley, MI will perform a demonstration on cleaning couture silk wedding gowns without enduring the risks of traditional dry cleaning.
A perennial highlight of the annual meetings is an afternoon devoted to round-table discussions of topics unique to those who specialize in wedding gown cleaning, restoration, and preservation. Select association members also make presentations to the group at these meetings.
The association is a not-for-profit trade group with members located in the United States, Canada, Australia, and South America who specialize in gown cleaning and preservation. Each member honors the guarantee of every other member, which includes taking the gown out of the container and pressing it at no charge when the gown is to be worn again.
Explore Our Wedding Gown Services
Learn more about the wedding gown cleaning and preservation services we offer at Janet Davis Cleaners!