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10 Questions To Ask Before Taking Your Dress To A Royal Oak Dry Cleaner

Dry cleaner with clean folded sheets

Taking Your Dress To A Royal Oak Dry Cleaner

Do you have a wedding dress that you need cleaned before your big day? Read here for 10 questions to ask before taking your dress to a Royal Oak dry cleaner!

Getting married is one of the biggest events of anyone’s life. That perfect ceremony and memorable reception are great parts of any wedding. But the main star (after the bride & groom, of of course) is the dazzling wedding dress.

We all want to do whatever it takes to keep ourselves from being a part of a wedding disaster. Sadly, accidents happen. When something is spilled on your beautiful picture-perfect wedding dress, it can feel like the end of the world. The wedding is ruined.

Not all is lost. A Royal Oak dry cleaner can be just what you need to get your wedding dress back to its pristine and gorgeous condition.

However, to make sure you are getting the best service for your precious dress, there are a few things you should ask beforehand.

1. Does this Dry Cleaner Specialize in Wedding Dresses?

The first thing to ask yourself is if the Royal Oak dry cleaner is capable of properly handling your wedding dress or not. There are a lot of different dry cleaners in the market, but not all of them have the experience to handle something as delicate and precious as a wedding dress.

Before handing it over, make sure to find out exactly how qualified your chosen dry cleaners is. If they aren’t equipped to handle the dress, then go find someone who can.

2. How Long Has this Cleaner Been In Business?

It’s possible that newly opened dry cleaners can have the correct experience and expertise to handle a wedding dress. But why take that chance?

Your wedding dress is far too important to be put into inexperienced hands. Make certain to find out about the dry cleaner and their business before you decide which one you want to choose.

3. What is the Price for the Service?

The cleaning service can be an investment, depending on which Royal Oak dry cleaner you choose. With a wedding just around the corner, you might not have the luxury of finding big deals.

When this is the case, make certain to ask your dry cleaner about their pricing. Some will ask for a fixed price, but others will charge more depending on the type of material and intricate detailing of the dress design. It’s good to know beforehand so that you won’t have any more surprises to deal with on your big day.

4. Will the Cleaner Separate the Dress from Other Clothing?

Often made of delicate fabrics decorated with beading and lace, wedding dresses can be very fragile. This is why you should ask to make sure the Royal Oak dry cleaner will keep your wedding dress separated from other clothing during the cleaning process.

This separation will play a part in keeping your dress safe from any unnecessary damages while it is being cleaned.

5. Does the Cleaner Offer a Guarantee or Insurance?

Even with the most professional and experience Royal Oak dry cleaner, there are still times when the most careful hands can mess something up. In this case, you’ll want to have some kind of guarantee or insurance that the dry cleaner can offer you before they begin the cleaning process.

This way, if something terrible does happen, you’ll at least have some sort of safety net to help you either fix the dress or find yourself a new one.

6. Which Cleaning Agents Will Be Used?

Before allowing anyone to handle your beautiful wedding dress with soaps and other cleaning agents, do a little bit of research beforehand. Find out the kinds of processes this Royal Oak dry cleaner will use and see if it works well for the materials that make up your dress.

If the dry cleaner you choose favors a process that would completely ruin your wedding dress, you’d best find someplace else that will use a gentler cleaning detergent.

7. What Kind of Experience Have Other People Had With this Cleaner?

Reading reviews is a great way to find out information about any establishment. This is completely true with dry cleaners as well.

While trying to find the best Royal Oak dry cleaner, take a look at any reviews that other people have left. This will give you a clear idea as to what you can expect in your interactions with the cleaner.

8. Is There a Portfolio Showing The Cleaners Past Work?

Great cleaners will have a portfolio of some sort to show their clients all of their previous work. Especially when it comes to big-ticket items such as wedding dresses.

A good way to find out if you’ll be satisfied with the services this cleaner can give you is by taking a look at their portfolio. If they don’t have a portfolio, ask them why they don’t have one available. If you’re not happy with their answer, go find a cleaner who makes you feel much more at ease.

9. How Will the Cleaner Keep the Dress Safe?

Ask your Royal Oak dry cleaner about all of the steps they’ll take to keep your wedding dress safe. They should be able to tell you without any hesitation what they plan to do.

If you’re wanting to preserve your dress, ask about that as well. Make sure to find out about the dress storage and if it works well with any weather or humidity changes. Your dress is important, don’t leave any stone unturned!

10. Has the Cleaner Stayed Up-to-Date With Current Wedding Fabric Trends?

The latest wedding fashion trends are constantly changing. What was “in” one year is “out” the next. With these changing trends comes different fabrics and materials.

A good dry cleaner should always stay on top of these kinds of changes. They should know how to safely work with these fabrics, no matter how new they are.

A Royal Oak Dry Cleaner Can Make Your Wedding Dress Beautiful Again

It can be a little scary to hand over your wedding dress to a dry cleaner, wondering if it will ever be the same again. However, if you’ve done your research and you’ve had satisfactory answers to the questions above, then there’s nothing to worry about.

Your dress will come back to you looking better than ever. And your wedding will go to plan just as you’ve always envisioned it, with you and your wedding dress the stars of the ceremony.

If you’re in need of some dry cleaning services, get into contact with us today!